My husband recently did some furniture adjustments (when I got my new desk for Christmas) leaving a lot of space around our main living room TV – and this allowed us to FINALLY set up some of our consoles that have been collecting dust – namely the PS4 and the Switch.

It has been years since we’ve had the PS4 plugged in because little fingers tend to ruin everything within range. The last game I bought was Horizon, and we barely got a chance to play that. Now that we have two kids the threat of destruction has become even more real.

I subscribed us to PS Plus for the free games you get each month to help temporarily grow our library (it was during their sale, so the price was nice) and I’ve been contemplating whether or not we want to add an XBox to the collection of consoles. What do I mean by collection of consoles?

It’s a dream of me and my husband’s to eventually have a nice games room where we can put our consoles (and games) on display. We have a nintendo, super nintendo, PS2, a nintendo 64, WiiU, PS4, Vita, 3DS, Game boy colour, game boy advance, and a few other things I can’t remember off the top of my head. We’d like to have a comfortable room with shelves to display everything and not have to keep it all hidden away from prying hands. Of course that will take some time, and we’ll teach the kids how to take care of these things properly. Right now they’re just busy being kids (which I love, even if it is a handful some days).

Anyway. In all of our collection we have no XBox or any version of it. I’d personally like to get an XBox 360 because I have a craving to play Fable 3 again. One of the few games I have ever finished (the ex got that when I moved out). Of course it would also be nice to get an xbox one, and use a VPN with it. We use a VPN here almost daily (hey, we live in Canada, it’s hard to find people who DON’T use a VPN) and we’re always looking for ease and simplicity when it comes to setting it up.

Whatever we decide, I know our collection isn’t going anywhere while we wait for the perfect time to get everything set up. We just need to have a little patience.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

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