February 5, 2019

Road to 5 Million for the Ultra (Ultra) Casual

Instead of tracking money every single day in World of Warcraft I decided to switch to a weekly system (along with blog post) so I could prevent myself from burning out too much. We’re still above where we need to be at this time – but if money doesn’t start trickling in a little bit faster we won’t make the goal of 5 million in 365.

Now a lot of this is not because of lack of sales (per say) but because I still haven’t gotten back to actually PLAYING the game. I log in and re-set the sales I already have – and while that does work to earn some coin here and there, in order to make the big money I need to be doing a tiny bit more than I have been. Being active is absolutely key to my earning gold in game.

Still, we’re closing in on 1.7 million gold, and that’s also not too shabby. There was a time I had never seen more than 100,000 gold before and I was always asking my husband to help me out if I saw a mount or pet that I wanted. Gold is also still moving in an upwards pattern and that’s really important, we haven’t slipped down too much with broker fees.

I do have a new gaming schedule set up that should help me get more involved in World of Warcraft and help inspire and motivate some money making. The problem is when I get attached to a game (currently Dwarf Fortress) I tend to ignore all other games and play that one until I burn out, and then I wander back to the other games slowly over time. I’m hoping to prevent that by spacing out what I play each day, and dedicating time to each one.

Will it work in rejuvenating my love of gaming? Who knows. I’m also taking a bunch of courses at a local school and of course I’m still a full time mommy to two littles, so it’s not like I have a lot of spare room on my plate – but I’m going to try.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!