I moved my horde character over to Dalaran – and put about 100 items for sale. The crafting supplies that I carried over all sold, but not much else has. I also haven’t played hardly at all since I moved though, and like I said in a previous post, to make money you need to be at least somewhat active.

Part of the reason is because I just bought a volcano island in Wurm Unlimited, am also playing Wurm Online, try to spend time in a random game once a week, and I’m taking classes, while being a full time mom to two kids who use up pretty much 110% of my time.

Am I doing too much?

Probably. Something will probably have to give but for now I’m not sure what, and I don’t feel too bad so I’m going to keep juggling all of these balls until I can’t any more. Goals? Running some solo raids (older ones), getting into the BFA raids (I’ve only done the first one), monitoring sniper more frequently (I’m supposed to have scheduled game days but I keep flubbing because right now Wurm Unlimited is more interesting than other games I’m playing due to of course the volcano island) and .. crafting. Poor, neglected, crafting. When BFA released I was just so turned off from the changes that had happened that I couldn’t get back into the swing of things and I’d like to change that.

We’ll see how it goes. For now, I’m still on track at 1.5 million gold. Will it last? CAN it last? Who knows. I’m hoping for some happy mailboxes soon.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

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