March 2019

First Time Friday – 04 – Battle Chef Brigade

Part visual novel and part gems game (along with some typical JRPG battles), Battle Chef Brigade has you cooking meals and collecting ingredients all while telling you the story of what’s going on lately (which is of course somehow also your fault)

I have no idea what sort of person is eating a bowl of food that appears to be larger than any human around, but it looks delicious so why not.

No Commitment, No Attachment

I’ve been a nomadic gamer for a number of years now, bouncing around from game to game depending on my mood at the time. Sometimes it’s something new, but in most cases it has been the same few games I bounce from over the past 10 years. EverQuest. EverQuest 2. Eve Online. World of Warcraft. Wurm Online. Guild Wars 2.

The problem with this method of gaming is that you don’t form an attachment to it. You don’t feel invested in the game, and playing for little spots of time here and there every few months leaves you feeling pretty empty and unsatisfied – at least in my case. In order to feel satisfied when I am gaming (in an MMO at least) I need to feel some sort of commitment to the game. I need to create some sort of attachment. If I play for an hour and then leave, that doesn’t exist.

I’m trying to be better about it. Trying to stick with games for longer then my average of just a few days – but it’s difficult. Not just because my attention span wanders but also because the free time I have to game fluctuates on such a huge scale that it’s not exactly something I can plan.

What am I playing right now?

  • WoW
  • EVE Online
  • Wurm Online
  • 1x random game once a week for First Time Fridays

It’s working out, but then there are still games like The Sims and Dwarf Fortress and Guild Wars 2 that I try to interject. There are so many games that I really have a lot of fun in that I just can’t make the time for, and it frustrates me. Anyone else get this way?

Nomadic Gamer