May 19, 2019

Completed Ankle Socks

I started these socks May 2018 and didn’t finish the second one (thus completing an actual pair) until April 2019. Sometimes, life just happens – and for me second sock syndrome is a real thing. When I’m dedicated to the task I can finish knitting a single sock within a week, but the second one always takes me months to finish off. I’m still hoping to learn two at a time so I can get socks made faster.

This is the 7th pair of socks I’ve knit, but one pair was for babies, and another pair was absolutely destroyed when I put it through the washing machine (that’ll teach me to machine wash any knit items…)

I’m glad to have these ones finished. I’m not exactly thrilled with the colours, but they’re not horrible (when I purchased the yarn I was expecting something different).