May 26, 2019

Favourite Needles

I love my needle collection, but it took some time to figure out which were my favourites and which I could do without.

I started with Knitpicks, which is a nice low cost beginner brand. If you want to stick with them that’s perfectly fine too, but I decided to move on and I haven’t really looked back. I love their cost effectiveness and they were the first interchangeables I ever purchased – but my favourite, are pictured above.

My favourite needles are bamboo hiyahiya needles. They’re old, I purchased them from another Ravelry user for $15 and they are perfect. The cords don’t fight with me and my only regret is that these are only in sizes 2-8 US and I don’t own anything bigger or smaller. They came with 6 different cords and when it comes to knitting, it’s honestly hard to beat them.

I use these for anything that needs generic knitting needles, the cords are a bit too short (or long, depending) for circular knitting (no sleeves, no socks) but I did use them to knit my last scarf.

Do you have a favourite brand? A favourite needle that you just can’t do without?