May 2019

Favourite Needles

I love my needle collection, but it took some time to figure out which were my favourites and which I could do without.

I started with Knitpicks, which is a nice low cost beginner brand. If you want to stick with them that’s perfectly fine too, but I decided to move on and I haven’t really looked back. I love their cost effectiveness and they were the first interchangeables I ever purchased – but my favourite, are pictured above.

My favourite needles are bamboo hiyahiya needles. They’re old, I purchased them from another Ravelry user for $15 and they are perfect. The cords don’t fight with me and my only regret is that these are only in sizes 2-8 US and I don’t own anything bigger or smaller. They came with 6 different cords and when it comes to knitting, it’s honestly hard to beat them.

I use these for anything that needs generic knitting needles, the cords are a bit too short (or long, depending) for circular knitting (no sleeves, no socks) but I did use them to knit my last scarf.

Do you have a favourite brand? A favourite needle that you just can’t do without?

Over 4,000

One of my GW2 goals has always been to get over 5,000 achievement points (AP as they’re called by others in game). This week I finally reached 4,000 – and thanks to a bunch of events in one of the PoF zones, I’m closing in on 4,100 already. There’s no real reason I want to earn these points aside from telling myself “yay, I did it” so I am not sure what the attraction is, but it’s a strong pull and keeps me going when I am not sure what else I want to work on.

Anyone else hunt down achievement points like this?


Since the quest for Skyscale (latest mount) released, I’ve been listening to people in game and on reddit complain about the timegate aspect.

They were complaining about something that took a week to complete. A week. Personally I appreciate the work Anet put into all of this free content they’ve been releasing, and I wish the quest took longer to complete (note, for some people it WILL take longer, it requires currencies from other maps) but the timegating aspect is nothing to be concerned over and certainly did not deserve the fuss that everyone made.