May 2019

Scarf Progress

For some reason my phone camera is doing a very poor job of taking pictures lately, but this is the progress on my scarf. It’s a deep green colour, the yarn is a bamboo blend that I just absolutely love because it’s soft and shines.

The pattern is a feather and fan repeated pattern with only four lines to memorize, so it’s something I can easily knit no matter what is going on. I’m using size 8 circular needles because I prefer using circulars instead of having two loose needles. The pattern is free on Ravelry, and you can find me there as Stargrace if you happen to be a member.

I’m almost done the first ball of yarn, and I’m ready to start the second. I want this scarf to be more decorative than functional, blame Gilmore Girls for that..

Doing a Little Fishing

As far as crafting goes, my goal is to raise each craft to 10, then work on raising them all to 20 (or at least 18, matching my adventure level). Gathering is coming along nicely, at the time of this post I have level 12 in mining, 11 in botanist, and 9 in fishing. For the disciples of the hand (main crafting) branches I’ve gone with weaver (10), goldsmith (8), cullinarian (8) and alchemist (2). I’m hoping my husband picks up my slack and goes with carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, and leatherworker.

Leveling has been pretty quick, but I know that’s because we’re in the lower tiers, and because the cap is currently 70. A new expansion looms on the horizon and it’s a great time to catch up. Will I make it? Probably not, but I’m alright with that. I managed to ding 18, and I’m still further along than I ever have been. My husband seems to be having a pretty good time of things too, in our limited amount of game time together. I’m hoping this week we can both find a few more minutes here and there to level, and I think we have our first dungeon coming up. With him playing tank and me playing healer it should be interesting to see how it works out.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

That’s a Lot of People

ArenaNet has a special event going on this week where for all the world bosses that you complete, you’ll get an extra chest with some goodies inside. Some of the goodies are rare auras (appearance items) which have a chance of dropping. I poked around for a bit trying to get a good drop or two, but none happened my way (RNG forever my friend).

That’s alright, I was more than happy with the extra rewards, since I was going to be doing boss fights anyway. I try to get them all done at least once a day. Sometimes it doesn’t work out that way depending on how much free time I have, but I make an attempt.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Leveling Up

Well, I’m further along than I’ve ever been before in FFXIV even though I’ve still not even reached level 20 yet. My husband’s character has inched up to 16, the furthest either of us had gotten before was 10 so we’ve already surpassed where we were.

I’ve also been working on some crafting, but I haven’t gotten too far yet. It’s fun and relaxing even if we are only playing in small stints.