June 2019

Spinning Yarn

I managed to finish spinning all of my wool of the andes comb top. I believe it’s just shy of 4oz, and I’d say the yarn is a mixture of bulky and DK weight. I decided to ply it, so it’s 2 ply yarn and I couldn’t be more excited with the results. I have some pretty hefty inspiration for spinning, my instagram is completely filled with amazing fiber artists from all over Canada and I can only hope that one day I come close to their skill. For now, I just need to keep practicing.

Steam Sale Additions..

Normally a steam sale happens and I don’t end up getting anything at all. Whether it’s because the games I really want are actually not discounted, or because there’s just nothing that piques my interest, this time was different.

I went in with a budget, stuck to it, and walked away with 7 new games (8 if you count Dragon Cliff, the idle game I wrote about previously). I’m pretty excited about everything from my list, they’re all games I know I will enjoy (to varying degrees) and all games I’ve wanted for quite some time. I decided instead of splurging on a really expensive game, I’d take a look at my list and purchase some of the less-expensive (but still highly anticipated) things I wanted.

Garden Paws in particular I’ve been eyeballing for a while because a few friends play it and spoke highly of it. Whether or not I actually manage to carve out any time to play, well, we’ll have to see.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

A Place for Idle Games

My latest game fancy is a game called Dragon Cliff – and it’s an idle game on steam. That means it’s mostly hands off, something that you can leave running while you do other things. This one is a ton of fun and you can be as hands on or off as you want.

You have a town, you have some adventurers, you can craft, send them out to fight things, auto fight, return home with all the loot. There are areas that are locked until you level up, you want to try to have your minions get a bit stronger (of course) and it’s just incredibly addictive. It’s silly, since you don’t actually DO a lot, but it gives you a sense of accomplishment when your gaming time may be restricted or interrupted by say, two young children.

I think there’s a definite place for games like these. They might be silly, but they let you remember that you’re a gamer when you may not have the energy to actually dive in. This is important. It might not take a lot of skill per say to play these games, but it’s something I can leave up and running, step away from instantly, and still feel as though I’ve done something gaming related.

It’s also a great price point, $5 CAD – if you enjoy idle games at all I highly suggest checking this one out and if you’ve never played one before this is a great opportunity at not much cost.