That’s right, June 25th 2006 was the very first blog post I posted here. The URL may have changed, but the blog has remained pretty much the same over that time. I’ve talked about my love of gaming and I’ve done my best to keep a positive attitude about it all. Over the years I’ve tossed in some other hobbies, but I think the style has remained pretty consistent.

I’ve had numerous opportunities present themselves to me because of writing here. I’ve met some amazing people. It was because of my posts here that I got a job with Beckett Massive Online Gamer when that magazine was around. I wrote about Aion, EQ2, Wizard 101, and other games. From there I moved to working with the good people at SOE, I flew to California and met the team of Vanguard, and when Beckett MOG shut down, I landed a job with Carbine Studios. I swapped around a bit there and found myself with NCSOFT.

I eventually gave that job up and focused on starting my family and being a full time Mom, which is where I’m at now. My son is almost 3, and my daughter is almost 1. When I started the blog I was living in Ottawa Ontario. I moved to Kelowna, British Columbia – and now I live in Saskatchewan. I got married. Friends have passed away, and new friends have been made. It has been quite amazing to think back about these things.

Over 13 years I’ve made 3,482 (now 3,483 after this one) posts. Some have been thoughtful in-depth assessments of games and other posts have been nothing but a screen shot. I think that no matter what, I’ve kept true to myself.

Happy Birthday, to me. Here’s to 13 more!

6 thoughts on “Happy 13th Blog Birthday”
  1. Congratulations! I haven’t commented in years, but I still read your blog! I’ve been reading since your Vanguard days. I’m also a full time mom, though my kids are mostly grown and I only have one teen left at home. I always liked to read female gaming bloggers, because I felt a little lonely in my demographic sometimes. Anyway, thought I’d come out of lurk mode to say happy anniversary! :)

  2. Congratulations! Please keep writing, I always enjoy your posts and we have lost too many bloggers and the years.

  3. Congratulations! I have enjoyed reading your musings over the years. Hope you keep going for many more.

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