June 2019

Finding my Way to 5k Achievement Points

I mentioned that this has been one of my long term goals for GW2, reaching 5,000 achievement points and I’m almost there! At the time of this post I’m actually at 4,932 thanks to doing a few daily quests (they re-set at 6pm my time every day). I’m not sure why I had this magical number in my head, but it comes with a lot of perks. A new title, 400 gems, 15 gold, and a new appearance skin that I can choose. I know if I had played GW2 steadily over the years I’d probably be much higher in AP, but that’s alright, I’m quite pleased with the progress I have made.

What are your game goals? Let me know in comments and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

New Yarn

I bought some amazing new yarn from Incyanity, a shop that recently opened. The colours are Into the Blue, a mystery bamboo blend, and a mulberry silk called Canadian Fall. I couldn’t be happier with the product. The colours are vibrant and true to the pictures, and I’m already trying to decide which patterns I want to use to knit them up. I have a shirt in mind for Into the Blue, though I haven’t purchased it off of ravelry yet. I’m thinking this Love Note by TinCanKnits would be perfect.
