Games that Surprise You

When was the last time a game took you by surprise? A game that wasn’t even on your radar and you had barely acknowledged as being out there – suddenly you’re playing it (or reading about it) and you stop and think ‘wow, this is really something special’. I find that we tend to research these purchases far more than we research anything else we spend money on, and that tends to leave us reluctant to splurge on something we’re not 100% sure about.
I don’t look into many of my games before buying them. I sign up for humblebundle monthly just so that I get a surprise selection of games I’ve never heard of each month, and in those bundles there’s usually one or two REALLY neat ones that catch my attention.
Yoku’s Island Express is one such game. It came from the latest humblebundle and I had never heard of it before. It released May 2018, so it has been out a while.
The reason I love it is because I’m a sucker for pinball games. That’s right folks, I LOVE pinball. Rollers of the Realm? I was all over that one. Yoku’s Island Express uses pinball mechanics and it’s just an absolutely beautiful game. One I typically wouldn’t have even given the time of day, because lets face it it’s niche and none of my friends have played it.
So what are your surprise games? Ones that you had never heard of that just caught you off guard. Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.