August 16, 2019

Whatever Happened to the Road to 5 million Gold?

In January (or maybe it was February?) I decided that I wanted to do blog posts about working my way to 5 million gold as a casual player.

So whatever happened to those posts and goals?

They took a big ‘ol crap, that’s what. I got bored, life got busy, and I ended up spending almost all of the money that I had accumulated, so now I have about 500,000 gold to my name and my dreams of purchasing the auction house mount from BFA have pretty much been dashed and smashed all over the ground.

I’m contemplating starting back up again and trying to inch my way forward – but – with the release of classic servers I’m scared that populations may dwindle and money making may become even more difficult than I already find it. Since I’m not exactly playing much these days finding the time to level up and PLAY the game has been slim to none.

Still, the desire is there, so maybe.
