I finished spinning my 4oz of 100% llama, and I have to say it is just so incredibly lovely. It was prepared amazingly and I had no issues drafting even though I’ve had it stashed away for a few years. I managed to get fingering/DK weight I think for most of it, there might be a few sections that are closer to worsted. I’m working on consistency and spinning fingering weight because that’s what I use most of. This process is one that will come with time and practice. Like any new skill that you’re learning. I’ve been spinning for just shy of three months and some of the people I admire most on instagram have been spinning for 20+ years. I’m hoping that by the time I’ve been spinning for a year I’ll be able to see a noticeable improvement in my yarn.
For now I’m pretty happy doing what I do. The yarn is still fantastic to use, it’s just a bit uneven in places and I need to keep practicing practicing practicing..