September 2019

Flipping for Profit

The best way I have found to make money in world of warcraft – is to branch out in many different markets, never staying with just one, and learning your server as patches and raids evolve and change. I happen to play on a lower population NA realm, and my sales differ compared to a high population. Things tend to move a bit slower, and potions are not a big seller on raid night compared to other servers.

That being said, there IS money to be made. It’s only by branching out that I get to discover this. Posted above is my most recent sales and flips. Items I purchased for one price and then sold for a higher price. When the market is flooded the price dives down, but on days where the items are used in a quest they tend to go way up. You can see my largest profit was from reselling a flask of the undertow that I purchased for 499g and then sold for 902g – but I only sold one out of the 4 I bought so far. Bigger sales but smaller profits include ink, battle potion of intellect, leather, and silk. These are not consumables, but are still money in the bank.

Problem is of course you’re not the only person out there doing this and the market can get flooded. Someone put up 28 stacks of 200 for well under the normal cost and there’s no way I want to try to sell all of that off unless I can craft it into something that would actually move. It really does take a bit of time and effort to learn your server, but once you get there the rewards are certainly worth it.

My Celestial Family

After years of working on the celestial tournament I FINALLY finished picking up all 4 pets that you earn from it. See, it’s not defeating the tournament that was the issue, but each pet required 3 tokens and you earn 1 token a week. I would often just forget to do it, or miss it by a reset, or just get distracted or frustrated with xyz thing and move on to something else.

Today I finally picked up Zao, and now I own all 4. I don’t think I’ll continue doing the tournament weekly, either, because you can’t sell the pets, and there’s really no reason for me to put myself through that any longer. Instead I’ll work on completing the weekly pet battle dungeons and obtaining the pets that come from those. It’s a lot like the celestial tournament in that you require multiple weeks to earn a currency to purchase the pets, but with a bit of time (and a few years) I might actually collect them all.

Speaking of collections, I took a look at my standings and it looks like there may not be very many pet collectors around because I’m ranked 22nd over all! This is a combination of pet achievements, levels, and the collection in general. Technically there are two sites with rankings, and each one gives me a different value so I’m curious as to which one is more ‘true’ – but either way, I’m pretty happy.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


I have been waiting for years for Steam to update their library UI and they FINALLY have. I can’t wait to organize it all (again) and see how well it works out this time.

Anyone else giving it a try? Right now I believe it’s still in beta, so you have to opt in through the steam beta options, but it should be open to anyone for trying. Let me know what you think!

Road to 5 million (again) in 365

I am a firm believer that it is never too late to go after something you want. You might have to approach it from a different angle than you had originally imagined, but eventually, you’ll get there. Thus, when I decided that I really did want to earn that 5 million gold mount even though I had squandered away almost all of my millions and making money in BFA is more difficult than it had been previously (especially with folks jumping ship to classic left right and center) I knew it would be an achievable goal. Eventually.

I’m a casual player at the best of times, so I set myself with a 365 day goal. A year. That means each day I should bring in at least 13,699 gold. Some days I’ll get more, some days I’ll get less, but overall it should be roughly that amount in order to hit my goal. I’m hoping to achieve it in MUCH less than 365 days, but that would just be a nice bonus.

I’m back to playing just alliance, I faction changed my monk (my main for the past few years) and organized all of my items and characters. I’m still playing classic but it’s much more of a ‘playing the AH and not much else’ game these days. I simply don’t have the time to dedicate to it that it requires. NOT the fault of the game. After all, 15 years ago when I played I wasn’t married, didn’t have a kid (let alone two) and time was readily available even though I may not have known it right then.

Excited? YES I am. I love giving myself goals like this in game. Will I succeed? Who knows, last time I failed gloriously. I reached just over 3 million and then spent it on a lot of stuff. We’ll see if I can stick with it this time.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer