Cooking? Sure! Baking? Not so Much

I am not much of a baker, I never have been. BUT I did make my husband a nice angel food cake for his birthday, covered in whip cream and strawberries. It was amazing.

I haven’t been able to get much gaming in at all, but I am slowly adding games to my laptop, and have I mentioned how much I love it?!

Probably once or twice by now..

Garden Paws

When I first started playing Garden Paws I didn’t really understand what I was doing. I saw rooms I could join, and a story mode and a creative mode. I saw a lot of locked rooms that I couldn’t get into and cute little animals that I could turn my avatar into.

I spent some time playing it last night, and this game is just too dang cute! I collected some wood, opened up a shop, sold some items I had collected. Explored the areas closest to me and managed to find some chests with goodies. I was going to go further and get into the crafting portion but alas life happened and I had to step away. I’m hoping to get further in today and maybe I can start up the farming portion!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Bloodsail Buccaneers

I’ll be joining the masses who are making their way to the Classic WoW servers to check out days gone by. I don’t expect my visit to last that long since I actually enjoy most QoL changes that have happened over time – but – there is something undeniably fascinating about playing along with all sorts of others and starting fresh. Plus it gives me a chance to play on the same server as some friends that I haven’t been able to play with before.

I’ll be starting on the Bloodsail Buccaneers server, it’s a PvE RP server – and I’m glad that Blizzard has decided to allow two RP servers. They’re some of my favourites, and I’m hoping to actually see RP take off. I haven’t been able to participate in any for quite some time and the start of my WoW career was so long ago that I barely remember what I created or what faction I played.

This time around I’ll be alliance (to begin with, maybe both factions over time, we’ll see) and I’m debating between warrior, paladin, and druid. I want the ability to tank, something I’ve done very little of in WoW. I’m trying to make this play-through be as far off from how I typically play as possible. Whether or not I’ll be successful I’m not sure. I’m also hoping to get into the economy and trying to make gold. It’ll be an interesting thing even if I only stick it out for a month or so.

Are you going to be giving the classic servers a try? What server are you hoping to play on? Faction and class already chosen? Let me know in comments and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

LoveNote Sweater Progress

I’ve been (slowly) oh so slowly working away at my LoveNote sweater by TinCanKnits – it’s beautiful and a pretty quick knit, problem is I only get 15 minutes a day (if that) t0 get any of it done, so it’s going pretty slow. I need to knit two more inches on the body, and then I have sleeves and a collar to complete. There are live stitches being held on a crochet chain at the neck currently so I can un-do those and continue knitting upwards. The sleeves will be full length since I’ve opted to do the longer version of this knit.

I’m holding fingering yarn (merino/nylon) along with lace (mohair) to create a really fluffy soft dream like knit. I can’t wait until I can block it and show the lace better.

Pride in Learning

One of the most important things that I try to do to better myself as a person and as I age, is to keep learning. Whether it’s a new hobby, skills in an old hobby, or just some random whim, I never begrudge myself the ability to pick up a new skill – even if lessons end up never utilized and I find out I don’t exactly enjoy that new found ability. Make sense?

I think it’s important to keep challenging myself. Keep learning and educating myself. That’s why I’m so incredibly proud of the skein of yarn pictured above. I’m learning to spin on a spinning wheel and this is the first skein from start to finish that I actually feel quite proud of. It’s not perfect, it’s not the weight I wanted, there are lumps and bumps – but I can see progress. I can see where I started at and where my skill is 2 months later. I have 20 more braids of this same fiber, and I can’t wait to see how with practice I improve. Hopefully a year from now I’m able to spin sock weight yarn from fiber with relative ease. We’ll just have to see!