Tour de Fleece

I’m really tickled with the result of my first 4oz of merino/nylon from Knitpicks. The roving was on sale, marked 40% off, so it was $5 for 4oz, plus I had a 20% discount coupon so after I purchased 2 (planning on plying them together and then knitting socks) I lamented to my husband that I should have purchased more, and he suggested I purchase -20- more.. I thought he was joking, but turns out he was being serious, so I made the purchase and I’m so very excited. It’s roving that I know will get used, that I happen to spin well, and while it’s not coloured, I’m thinking I might dye some up, either as roving or yarn (probably as yarn, I’m afraid of felting roving). The price was amazing, and came with free shipping so I really have no complaints. Except that now I have to wait for it to ship here, of course.

Gaming? Still doing that (a bit)

It’s summer time, so between kids and the husband working insane hours, time at the beach, and tour de fleece, I haven’t found a lot of opportunity to game. I AM still gaming, but it’s a lot of semi-afk sporadic stuff that doesn’t really get me anywhere until I finally look back and think about it.

I’m working on collecting pets, leveling pets, doing dailies, and not much more. It’s slow, but it’s fun. I also managed to participate in some LFR and got a few upgrades! I was praised for my healing in the latest LFR that opened last week, and it left me with a really good feeling.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Tour de Fleece – Stage 14

I did some plying, I did a 2 ply for the smaller bobbin and then I practiced a navajo ply for the remainder – which was a disaster, and a LOT harder than it looks. It left me with a bulky weight yarn on the navajo, and a DK on the 2 ply. After I decided I’d start some merino/nylon that I bought. It’s white and a bit boring, but REALLY silky smooth to spin and just beautiful roving top.

Stage 13

I can’t spin yet today because my bobbins are full, so for stage 13 of Tour de Fleece I dug out my spindle. The fiber is old and felted and spinning is slow but it’s rewarding and still great for drafting muscle memory. This is corridale I dyed with kool-aid back in 2016