TDF Stage 1

You might see quite a few spinning posts over the month of July as I participate in Tour de Fleece. Each day I’ll be aiming to spin for at least 15 minutes, working through some fiber I’ve had stockpiled. I’m trying to get more consistent in my spinning, and get a better feel for my wheel.

Wish me luck!

Finding a (new) Home

Due to the nomadic way in which I approach gaming, I’ve gotten kicked out of far more guilds than I can keep track of. I wander to and from games, dipping in here and there depending on my moods. I’ve learned over the years that it’s best if I just stick with my own personal guild, because at least then I can’t get kicked out.

I get tired and lonely of that, though. So I put out a call to friends on twitter to see if I could find a home.

I ended up on Hyjal (horde) with a guild called Seaghyn on advice of a friend. They have an incredibly active discord, though it’s not very active in game, I really don’t mind. It’s a start, at least.

I can’t raid because my hours are far too sporadic, but at least this gives me a tiny little glimmer of some sort of gaming. Even if I’m just pretending to myself.