Finding my Star Team

I’m still trying to grind my way through hard mode in Dragon Cliff, but I’ve come up against a bit of a wall. I need better gear, and better characters. Once you unlock ancient it’s a waiting game with RNG to see when you’ll get the next tier, called ‘star’. I’ve only unlocked a handful, and I need many more. Until then I’ve just been grinding.

Still, it’s the best $5 I’ve ever paid for an idle game. I think I have over 100 hours into the game now, and it was well worth the price of entry.

Tour de Fleece Goals

July 6th is coming up fast, and I’m so excited to be participating in Tour de Fleece for the first time. I’ve joined the twitch team, and these are my goals:

  • spin every day
  • spin a sweaters worth
  • spin at least 100g worth

For a challenge to myself, I’m trying to spin consistently. I don’t want huge thick spots mixed with really thin spots. I want to find a nice fingering / sport weight. I know this will come with practice (and more practice). I want to be able to use my yarn, and even though I know I knit a hat with the last stuff, I’d love it so much more if it didn’t have such varying thicknesses.

Spinning Yarn

I managed to finish spinning all of my wool of the andes comb top. I believe it’s just shy of 4oz, and I’d say the yarn is a mixture of bulky and DK weight. I decided to ply it, so it’s 2 ply yarn and I couldn’t be more excited with the results. I have some pretty hefty inspiration for spinning, my instagram is completely filled with amazing fiber artists from all over Canada and I can only hope that one day I come close to their skill. For now, I just need to keep practicing.