All the Jumping Puzzles

Jumping puzzles are my bane. There are so many of them! The good thing is they’re worth 10AP each, so if you go after the ones that are easier to complete, you can get a nice chunk.

For the daily it becomes a bit easier depending on which jumping puzzle you need to do. There is typically always a mesmer nearby willing to port you up to the finish line. I admit now, I have done that a time or two (or three) before. Jumping puzzles and me simply don’t get along.

More Events

The latest event has us back to killing world bosses. Kill a boss, mine a node, get a little item that sells on the black lion market for around 4 gold (at this time, I expect it will drop) and an essence you can use to make some shiny weapon skins.

The weapon skins are for the new raid zone that was just released. It’s an opportunity for those who don’t raid to get some new pretties – and I think that’s a neat idea. I have collected a handful of the essences now, but I am not sure what else I need to get the shiny skins, so I’ll need to look into that as the event progresses.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

A New Event

ArenaNet has been on top of their game lately with all of the events taking place. I can’t wait until the 7th anniversary which is quickly approaching. Not only will my characters get to celebrate another birthday, but I bet there’s some neat stuff going on (or at least I hope so).


One of my legendary pieces required me to do a collection where you could only purchase 1 piece each day – and needed 13 pieces. One came from the ground nearby, but the rest required map currency and a lot of patience. To get to the collection vendor you also had to do a map event. I decided to park an alt there for the duration of my purchases so I could skip at least that one part.

Now I’ve got a neat miniature Zinn – and my legendary update. YAY!