Spinning Motivation

There are some folks on instagram who are amazing at the craft of spinning yarn – and I hope one day I’m just as good. Look up the hashtag #spinnersofinstagram and you’ll see what I mean!

To get better at something like this you have to practice every day, just like any other skill that involves muscle memory. I’m hoping that a year from now I can look back and see a clear line of progress in my spinning, too.

2019 Tour de Fleece

I recently acquired a new-to-me spinning wheel: an Ashford Kiwi 2. It has been quite some time since I did any spinning, especially since my Tom Thumb has been down for repairs since I got it, but I used to drop spindle on my turkish spindle daily, and I certainly miss it. This year I’ve decided to participate in the Tour de Fleece, which is an event that runs during the period that Tour de France is running.

You can find all the information about it here on Ravelry. There are no hard fast rules, it’s supposed to be fun. I have also joined up with the Twitch team, and I might get some streaming of my spinning progress done (we’ll see, it’s not a rule that you have to stream it). This will be my first time participating and I’m incredibly excited. I could have joined with my drop spindle, but honestly I think treadle is the way to go for me. Everyone has their specific tastes. Treadling with two feet has been very enjoyable and I’m looking forward to seeing how my spinning progresses.

With that being said, I don’t think I have nearly enough fleece to spin! So I’m looking for fiber. I’ve been browsing through Etsy, and there are just so many options available. Do I want it dyed, natural, what sort of wool – right now I have some llama, merino, and a merino / silk blend.

Are you going to participate? Let me know in comments! The event begins July 6th, and runs until July 28th – I can’t wait to see what everyone spins up!

So Meta

There is an insane amount of people participating in map meta events this week because ArenaNet is running a bonus box event where you can get extra rewards. The majority of the events have to be in PoF zones (HoT only has one map meta that counts towards the event, as an example) so I spent a good portion of the day hanging out in the Elon Riverlands doing the pre-meta event (Augury Rock) and then the Doppleganger (meta event that actually counts towards the bonus).

I didn’t get anything exciting, but it sure was fun to see so many people around.