Working Towards a Legendary

I’m getting close to finishing the first collection (I think there are 3 or 4) for the precurser to the axe that I want to eventually get. Legendary weapons are something that I have dreamed about since I knew they were a thing, but I have never actively worked towards one. So far it has been alright – I do need to complete a fractal, but I’m hoping I can get that done on the weekend. The other item I need takes 12 days of merchant purchased items, so while it’s simple, it’s timegated.

The final item I need is to just turn in all the other items – not too big a deal. I hope.

Wish me luck!

Ashford Kiwi 2

A few more days and I will be the proud owner of my first Ashford Kiwi 2! I’m so very excited to get this wheel. I am thinking of staining her a dark colour, giving a nice wax and polish, and then it will be time to see how she spins.

Oh, and a name. Of course I need to name her, too.

Impatiently Waiting

I just ordered a set of ChiaoGoo needles, and I am impatiently waiting for them to arrive from China. They are sock sizes, in 2″ and 3″ tips, with various cords. I’m hoping to use a tip from each set (the size of the needle is the same, it’s just the length of the tip that differs) and be able to knit TAAT using 2 circulars. We’ll see how it goes, and whether or not ChiaoGoo replaces my love of hiyahiya 9″ circulars. They won’t be here for quite some time, but I will impatiently wait by the mailbox for them to get here.

API Issues

The GW2 API has been having some massive issues lately that have affected how the value of my account is shown on GW2Efficiency. Shame, because I keep looking to metabattle.com to get some gear for my mesmer, but with the API down, it never works properly.

Hopefully it’s back up and running before too long.