Nice Snipe

I purchased these for 2 gold, and sold them the next day for 100,000 gold – which is well below what they usually sell for if you’re patient, but I just wanted a quick turn around because I’m already sitting on a lot of transmog gear.

Still, 100,000 gold for spending 2g is nothing to sneeze at (IMO).

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

A few Expeditions

I’ve started running a handful of expeditions with my husband while boxing my mage – she gets a fair amount of experience, and we get our necklaces’ leveled up a bit and a chance at some gear and pets. It’s not much, but it’s something fun and a good change of pace.

Bracer Shuffle

By now you’ve probably heard about the infamous bracer shuffle in BFA – and if you haven’t, well, you will. It’s pretty simple. There’s a google document that you fill out with information about your server prices, and you figure out which bracers are worthwhile for you to craft – then you craft them. You craft a lot of them. Once crafted, you scrap the greens, and pray for expulsom (or whatever those no trade blue bits are called that are also used in crafting). Then you DE the blues.

From there you can do a few things. Take the items you get from DE and craft enchants to sell (especially with 8.3 coming up, people will be getting new gear and want it enchanted) and then you take the items you make that will be purple, and you DE those. Then you sell the raw enchanting materials – OR you craft that into valuable enchants that sell for well above what the cost of the original bracer was.

That’s why in the screenshot above, my guild bank is full of cloth.

Bring on the bracer shuffle.