Ultra Casual Road to 5 Million Gold – Update 11

I actually had a nice amount of sales last week, but I also ended up buying a whole bunch of gear for my monk so she could queue for raids, so the gain isn’t nearly as nice as it could have been had I not spent that gold, but that’s OK. For the first time in a while it’s just nice to see almost 100k gain. I’m still on track for making 5 million gold this year, but as you can see by the chart it will catch up by May if I keep making smaller sales like I have been.

Honestly, as long as I keep moving upward, it’s not a big deal. I’ve been paying for my subscription with gold, I’m able to transfer characters, and just generally have fun. I had high hopes of buying a bunch of WoW merchandise with my gold, but the blizzard store doesn’t let you (which is fine, just something I wish were different).

Goal for next week is to get closer to breaking 2 million gold. I’ve been there in the past but I ended up spending it all on subscriptions and that was pre-BFA. I find the market post-BFA a lot more difficult to handle.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

One Down

The goal is to have 4 colossus on the circular edge of my volcano, and I’ve got one done so far. Dyed it with a rune, and it looks amazing. Inside I’ve hollowed out a tunnel for boats, and started building my cafe and an area for cooking as well as a winery. Nothing fancy yet, but I’ll get there with time.


My new 2080 video card is nothing short of amazing compared to the old 760 I was using, and I have (so far) absolutely zero complaints. The crashes and video driver errors that previously plagued me are all solved, and aside from some issues like WoW not showing initially after I upgraded the card (I needed to delete a configuration file from my WTF folder, then it worked fine) it has been smooth sailing. Here’s hoping it stays that way.

Last night I spent quite a bit of time just driving around in Euro Truck Sim 2 – it felt so good to get back to playing that game, and now it looks even more incredible.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Upgrades and Partnerships

I’ve been using my GTX 760 for so long that I practically forgot what it could be like to play on beautiful graphic settings without any crashes happening. Guild Wars 2 was especially problematic, I couldn’t play without crashing unless I turned settings down so far characters looked like potato sacks.

I had sporadic graphic driver crashes with WoW if I ran anything else at the same time, and it was getting annoying. It kept telling me to update my drivers even though I had, many, many, times.

My husband ended up going into town yesterday and buying me a brand new 2080 and wow, it’s amazing. Instantly my computer suddenly liked playing games. Graphics on high, GW2 and WoW no longer crashing, I am tickled at this upgrade. I hope it lasts a few years because ouch they are not cheap.

Aside from the graphic card I also got a bit of good news about applying for partnership with Medal – they accepted my application – yay! Medal is what I’ve been using lately to make video game clips. Similar to Forge in the past, they let you take 15-30-60 second clips and host them online for others to view. Since I haven’t been doing too much streaming (lack of time) taking clips is a fantastic way for me to get a little video out there within my regular gaming session. It’s not a huge amount of news, but it really made my day.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!