What Does your Steam Wish list Look Like?

I tend to keep my steam wish list pretty up to date – and this is what it looks like:

  1. Farming Simulator 19 – I want this badly, but the price tag scares me off.
  2. Tropico 6 (soon!)
  3. Ooblets (soon!)
  4. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
  5. Assassin’s Creed Origins
  6. The Red Strings club
  7. Megaquarium
  8. First Feudal
  9. The Colonists
  10. Foundation
  11. Total Miner
  12. Garden Paws
  13. Anno 1800

No real surprises when I look over that list, I tend to stick with what I know I like – aside from the AC series which I’ve actually never played before and was curious about giving it a try. The graphics are just beautiful, and I’m a sucker for that (even if you can’t tell because lets face it, I’m currently playing Dwarf Fortress…)

What does your own wish list look like these days?

Weight loss Update

February has been a really difficult month for a LOT of different reasons. The health challenge that was supposed to take place, was no candy, pop, or chips – as well as getting out twice a week with the family.

I managed to stay away from pop and candy, but failed once with the chips. We also failed to get out twice a week as a family, and there’s no real good excuse except that it was between -40C and -50C for most of the month. I’m reluctant to bring the children out in anything colder than -30C, especially the newborn. Then we all got really sick, and that has been the last week or so here at home. Not. Fun.

So this month I actually gained 7 lbs. I burst into tears when I saw that. It turned out that making simple challenges wasn’t going to work for me this time. I am absolutely determined to get back down below 200 pounds this year. Basically I decided enough was enough.

I’ve started a 90 day challenge with friends who want to participate. What each person does is completely up to them, but we weigh in on Fridays and motivate one another. My goal is to get from 227 to 215 in 90 days. That’s a pound a week. I’ve started calorie counting again over on myfitnesspal just because I needed reminders as to what proper portions of food look like.

Binge eating and stress eating are huge issues I deal with but again, I’ve hit that magical place where enough is enough and I’m tired of being this weight. 7 months postpartum or not, I need to feel better about myself.

Lets see how it goes.

Death in the Caverns

Once I had gathered 15 monster slayers at my fortress I decided to open up access to the caverns and let them explore. This was a fantastic idea until I realized that if anyone died my dwarves would rush right out to collect all of their belongings and probably run out to greet whatever fate the monster slayers had faced (Arkenor did explain to me how to disable this issue so next time they won’t go running after stuff).

Two of the original 15 have died so far – taken down by the spiders, most likely. There’s still a wolf spider roaming around down there but I’m glad to see they’ve taken out the rhinotroll as well as some scarecrow men.

The coral snakes also killed two of my own dwarves, rendering them first unconscious. They were taken to a hospital bed where they just wasted away until death. They had no visible illnesses, I just couldn’t wake them up.

Still, the fortress is 70+ strong and doing fairly well compared to past places. We’re only on year 2 of it being established, so there’s still time for a mythical creature to crawl up from the cavern and destroy us all. It might be time for me to put down some traps or a defense system of some sort…

Road to 5 Million – Update

Even though I’ve been taking an ultra lazy casual approach with World of Warcraft these days (I just haven’t been feeling BFA at all so far) I AM still ahead of my goal in order to reach 5 million gold in 365 days. By now I should have approximately 714,000 – and I’m closing in on 2 million. Certainly not complaints about that!