Fo Sure

Thanks to a new set of cloth gear from Takah, and some green dye I made for myself, Minxes, my Fo priest, is all set for her daily priest duties! Fo is a nature orientated deity, so it feels fitting that she be geared up this way. She’s also sporting an emerald staff.


I was sailing around Liberty headed to a fishing competition when I spotted this amazing construction of a rainbow someone built. It’s all done out of walls, and I can only imagine the time it took to get such vibrant colours in game. Well done!

Sales & Expansions

I’ve been doing quite a bit of archaeology in Wurm Unlimited lately, on my server of choice (Sklotopolis) trying to reach 90 in the skill (I’m still a ways away). I have managed to collect a few rare items though, including the pickaxe, shovel, and 2 handed sword pictured above.

I’m attempting to sell them so I can expand my deed. I disbanded my volcano deed so that I could expand over that, and I’ve recently added some farmland. Last, there is a mine to my north that I have deeded as Quail Caverns, but I’d really like to bring it all together under one deed. Less things to monitor, less deeds to have to log in alts for and less chance of being disbanded.

I need about 60-70 silver to cover the area I’d like, and more would be better. For now, I just hope to get a few more sales.

Rare Smelter – YAY

I finally created a somewhat useful rare in Wurm Online after all of this time! The first thing I created was a rare forge, which I have been carting around with me from deed to deed. Today I started smelting some ore and on a whim I improved the village smelter – which also turned rare. YAY! I believe this works the same as a rare forge, it will burn longer, faster. Perfect.

Nomadic Gamer