Ahead, but not by much

The month isn’t quite over yet, but we started at 1,520,000 gold and ended at 1,680,000 – if I keep that up I’ll fail the challenge, but I haven’t been playing a great deal, and sniping only got a few items. I’m hoping that February will be better with more sales but that also means I’ll have to be more active. Lack of time, is always what I’m coming up against. I only have so much time in a day.

Independence Deed Progress

Well. That didn’t take long. I purchased a year of premium for both my main and my (soon to be priest) alt in Wurm Online – and I’m so excited about it. A group of friends have started playing on Independence, so I ended up re-deeding over there and cancelling my plans (sigh) on Deliverance – for now. I know (as is the way with Wurm) that people come and go so we’ll see how long this lasts for.

I loaded everything up in my knarr (again) and now it’s all sitting around in boxes waiting to be unloaded. I’m hoping to finally settle down some roots and work some skills. Last night to get away from it all for a bit I worked on archaeology. We have some sleep bonus coming to us due to some server crashes, and I need to use mine up so that’s what I did. I haven’t uncovered the pieces I got yet, but I’ll get there. Slow and steady has always been the case for Wurm Online, and I don’t imagine that will change any time soon.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Day 27

The goal my husband and I set for January was no take out for the whole month, and we’re almost there. I’m down 5lbs, from 225 to 220 just from that single change. I didn’t change groceries or eating habits or exercise. Those are challenges coming up. February’s goal is no pop no chips no candy – and fast food is allowed, but I’m hoping by abstaining all of January the healthier habit will carry over. Another part of that goal is out 2x a week with the family which is hard to do where we live because it’s -50c some days, but I’m sure we can find things to do.

There are days I REALLY wanted fast food. Rough days when cooking was absolutely unappealing and I wanted something easy – but I reminded myself about the challenge, and I knew we could do it.

I’m confident we can handle the rest of the challenges, too. Here’s hoping I make it below 200lbs this year and to just being healthier overall.

Another Dwarf Fortress

With my new knowledge of Dwarf Fortress I decided to retire my old fortress and begin a fresh one. This time I picked the wilderness, and I have a waterfall right through my area. There’s also a few rivers, and a few towns scattered around. My fortress is still in the early stages, so only one person has gone insane (he sadly could not complete an heirloom that he wanted to craft, we simply didn’t have the supplies).

In the screenshot above the Elves have just packed up their caravan and are headed back home across my bridge. I have stairs leading down into the fortress, and my pastures and pens are down south. I learned how to set up the trade depot so the next time the elves are over I can trade some animals and instruments from them hopefully. I’m creating lots of junk items in the meantime to trade them.

There are less children this time around, and they seem happier. I’ve managed to keep up with bedrooms, doors, tables, and chairs. They have a temple (yay) and I created a library. As soon as the library was designated I had scholars arrive! It’s pretty exciting.

It’s difficult to keep my dwarves busy, especially the ones that mine, but I’m trying to give them big areas to clear out further down where it takes longer to mine. Their skills are getting quite good, so they keep mining faster.

I’m sure something will happen soon to cause death and destruction but for now everyone is happy. I even made my first well! Oh, and I assigned some jobs. I have a manager now so I can create work profiles, a really hand thing when trying to keep my dwarves busy. I also assigned a head of hospital, and a broker. Still, there’s tones to the game that I haven’t even brushed up on yet. Two friends from Combat Wombat are talking about their own adventures in our discord and it involves vampires, jails, a justice system and sounds exciting.

I’m sure I’ll get there if I keep up with it. The game is a lot like RimWorld in the method that I play, so it’s quite enjoyable. I might even get around to streaming it eventually.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Down Goes the Fortress

It started out innocently enough. A were creature made their way onto my map, transformed, and took out 5 dwarves. Little did I know at the time after my hunters were done with the creature that it had also bitten 3 children.

Those children turned into Were creatures and half my colony was wiped out in the battle that ensued. Needless to say it all went downhill from there. The children (there was an abundance of them for some reason) started becoming acclimated to the gore and death. They started throwing tantrums and fighting with the remaining Dwarves. Their thoughts were particularly dark, they would feel nothing after seeing dead animals or other people and they would get excited when they managed to choke someone to death.

Nothing creepier than having a whole fortress run by scary little dwarven children who want a taste of you, literally.

The fortress hasn’t technically ‘failed’ yet, I still have 50 or so alive (including the children who are still going insane). I have 4 ghosts, one berserk, and a handful of animals. Recovery is probably not going to happen at this point, so I’m just playing through it waiting until the last dwarf falls.

I don’t expect it will take too long, at this rate.