A Handful of Sales

I’ve had a hard time figuring out what to sell since the release of BFA. I was rolling in money just before the expansion came out. Transmog was slow but steady, crafted was OK, and I was able to pick up a number of great items to flip.

Since the release my luck has fallen and I find it much more difficult. Whether it’s because I’m not playing WoW quite as much (possibly) or because the market has shifted and left me behind (probably) I’m not sure, but I am curious to find out what does actually sell on my small low population roleplay server.

So far crafted goods are still doing pretty well, especially BFA craft materials. The problem is I actually need to log in and farm said materials in order to sell them, or find some items to flip.

Either way, slow and steady is the way I’ll win this 5 million gold race (with myself). Making 13k a day is my minimum to surpass 5 million in 365 – a goal that’s still very much obtainable.

Priestpalooza Update

I’ve been running an event at my deed on the Sklotopolis Wurm Unlimited server since Saturday, trying to help people reach 100 faith before the next update comes out. How it works is every 30 minutes someone can hold a sermon, and for every listener you’ll gain .02 faith. Then your individual character is on a 3h count down before you can sermon again.

The goal is to get a large number of listeners so that the faith gains are as big as possible. When you pray at skill level 90+ your gains are close to nothing. An example? My gains are currently .0010 so getting to 100 is almost impossible (you can only pray every 20 minutes to up your gains) without doing sermons.

We’ve had 6 people reach 100 skill so far, and I expect our grand total Saturday should reach at least 10 total. That’s wonderful, I’m very pleased with the turn out and the effort that everyone has put in. We’re using a google sheet to track the sermons, who goes when and next. It automatically updates columns with a time stamp based on when you post your faith gain, so it’s pretty hands off and an amazing bit of script work from two members of our server. One with the original page for tracking and another for the added automation.

I’ve been pretty stressed out hosting people all week long. Doing sermons is boring, but you wan’t listeners. Because it’s on my personal deed I haven’t given permission to people all willy nilly and I’ve only allowed a few things. I’ve supplied food and drink, and the GMs came by and dropped a julbord for food. I supplied fishing rods so people can raise up some skill, and gave advice on spell casting and stuff like that.

Still, a week straight is a LONG time to host an event that runs 24/7 – as much as I love my server and my new room mates, I’ll be even more glad for the quiet once the event is over.

Health Challenge Update

I was expecting to do a weigh in this week, but then lady stuff happened and as all ladies know this causes massive bloating and water retention so I decided instead of getting depressed at the scale, I’d check another time. There’s just no use in beating myself up.

The challenge for January has been no fast food (no take out). I’m on day 16 (doing this with my husband) and so far we haven’t had any. On bad days it’s especially difficult because we both crave the comfort and ease that fast food brings. I don’t exactly have a lot of spare energy and meal planing isn’t high up on my list of must-do’s. Last I checked I was down 4lbs, and that’s a good start (all water weight I’m sure). Next month the challenge is no pop/chips/candy and hopefully also carrying over the no take out food habits that I learned from this month. It just won’t be a steady rule.

I also started wearing my fitbit again. I have a Charge HR (though I’d like to save up for one of the newer models) and I’ll admit that I’m less curious about my daily steps and more curious about my heart rate and sleep habits. I get on average 5-6 hours of sleep a night, problem is none of those hours is more than 1h long because I’m constantly waking up to nurse, deal with kids, or just insomnia. Not fun. My heart rate is pretty good, resting at 72 (spikes at 74 on some stressful days) which is above average for my age group. It used to be much higher when I weighed more.

My steps average 2500 a day, some days are over and some are under. I don’t really care about how many steps I take because fitbit can’t see that 90% of those steps are with me carrying my 6 month old, or hauling the 2 year old around or playing with both of them, cleaning, carrying laundry, doing dishes, that sort of stuff. It’s just a good approximation. Sure, I’d love to get in the 10,000 steps a day that is recommended – but it’s -35C outside and I’m not keen on taking my children out in that, so we do what we can.

Do I feel healthier? Not yet. Not especially. I feel pretty tired and worn out, but that seems to be my new norm. I guess we’ll just have to see the scale next week.

I Forgot to take a Screenshot

Friday night members of Kamikaze Runners & The Wombattery got together in Guild Wars 2 to attempt a guild puzzle (I forget what they’re actually called) – it would be our second (I think) attempt at this one. The first time we did it I was AFK the entire time at the entrance to the zone and completely useless. I’m not sure I was any more useful this time around BUT we did complete it!

It was a series of puzzles that needed to be solved, and my favourite part is when we had to open a curtain and then emote whatever it was we saw pictured behind it. Then we had X amount of time to run up and do mini jumping puzzles to another curtain where we had to emote what we had below, up top. Confusing?! YES! Especially with 7 people. It was a LOT of fun though and I’m really glad I was able to go.

I didn’t get to hang out for long but I am glad we managed to complete a guild event. Hopefully I can keep attending on Friday nights at least while my husband is off on paternity leave.