Road to 5 million – for the casual gamer

Before BfA released I was making a fair amount of gold in Warcraft, but that was before my second child was born, and as surprising as it is to say, I had a lot more free time back then. Now, not so much. I earned just a hair shy of 5 million gold and then I spent it on subscriptions, the BfA collector’s edition, all of the battle pets from the shop that I didn’t previously own, and a few other bits and bobs. That depleted my gold but not down to zero.

For 2019 I’d like to try to reach 5 million – but in an ultra casual way. I’m not starting from scratch, I’m starting with a little over 1.5 million gold. I’m averaging things out to 14,000k a day, 365 days, and we’ll see how long it takes me to get there with my play time which ranges between 10 minutes and an hour daily.

I’m confident it’s possible, and I love that it’s something that will span over the entire year rather than just a few short months (that way I don’t feel pressured or that it’s too hectic). I’m not sure what I’ll actually DO with 5 million gold, I haven’t decided if I want to purchase the AH mount – but I probably will, if for no other reason than to be able to use the AH at remote locations where I won’t get phased due to population.

Each month I’ll create a new chart like the one above, so I should have a collection of 12 that put me closer and closer to the end goal. Exciting? Well, depends on how you like to play. For me, yes, this is exciting. I love making gold in WoW, and while I may not be the best at it, it IS something I think I do OK at.

I plan on doing some farming, some crafting, and whatever else manages to pop into my timeline that I can handle. End game? Probably not, but that’s alright.

I probably won’t write about it here every single day, but I’ll try to post at least once a week with the progress, maybe I’ll set it to be every Wednesday just to follow with tradition. Check back next Wednesday to see if I’ve met my goal of 126,000 gold (this is a joke, I’m already at 1,500,000, so if I can’t keep above 126,000 there are some serious issues we’ll have to look at).

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!


One of my game resolutions for 2019 is to run more player events on Sklotopolis. I’m kicking January off with Priestapalooza, in preparation of the priest changes update that we all hope land on our server in the future. At 100 faith priests are able to cast a new spell, but getting to 100 can be a drag. Sermons with listeners can speed up the process, so I’m hosting a week long event where priests can come for sermons, have some great food, and do some meditation. My goal is for as many people to hit 100 as possible.

In my own roster I have 2 of each priest type, with one Skloso priest. In the future update priests have the ability to cast spells at 100 favour instead of 120, so batteries may become a thing of the past – which I personally am looking forward to. That will let me drop off and ignore 2 alts, rather than continue with 6 characters as I have been.

I’m looking forward to the event, and I hope to run it a few times this year. Hopefully it goes nice and smooth.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Sklotopolis Server Events – Troll Invasion

Engineer informed us that some over zealous trolls had taken control of a town on the Novus server and it would be up to us to rescue any survivors and free the town from their wrath. We showed up on horses, no wagons, no carts, our best armour polished, war cries on our lips and we were ready to go.

A lot of troll bodies hit the ground… a lot of players, too. It was awesome. In the end we DID rescue the village, and we were rewarded with donation chests that contained sleep powder for our efforts. It was a fantastic event, a nice change from the player-run slayings, and the rifts that happen.

I’m looking forward to more of these events in the future! I went with Minxes, my Fo priest, and I’m really glad I did – although next time I’m going to take a surplus of gems with me so I can have more favour for healing..

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!