We’re nearing the end of January, and I know I’ve been mostly silent for the past few months – and I’m hoping that changes. I said that in 2019 too, and I managed it for months until it all fell apart, so we’ll just see how it goes.
What I’m up to
World of Warcraft continues to be my main game of choice. I’ve been working on making gold (more details later), unlocking allied races, and enjoying 8.3. I’m multiboxing 5 characters and have kept that up for a few months now. With the gold I earned I’ve bought them all Shadowlands too as well as a few other purchases. I also still tip toe into Classic but that’s just to make gold, my character remains level 15.
Hearthstone, RimWorld, The Sims4, and NationStates rounds out the rest of my gaming these days. Nothing new or fancy, but all pretty relaxing and casual.
My family also moved (again) over New Years to what is called an IP LDP – isolated post, limited duration post. Our internet is pretty poor, that means no downloading new games every day. Yesterday we did groceries for the first time, which is 5 hours away. So far my experience here has been absolutely amazing. The kids went from a cramped 2 bedroom condo with no play space to a 3 bedroom house with a huge fenced back yard, and a fully fenced front yard, too. Isolated? Sure, but the town has been kind to us (if not simply indifferent) and I am enjoying this post so much more than our last.
Knitting? Spinning? Still doing those, too. I’m currently knitting a scarf along with a pair of socks I’ve been working on, and I have some fiber on the wheel.
That’s how the year has gone so far – now I just need to actually make a few posts here and there!