Shadowlands Goals

Looking at the bigger long term picture there’s some definite things I want to get done before Shadowlands comes out. I’ve been trying to put them on paper so I have a little bit of direction, even if I don’t accomplish it all. It’s just meant to give me a bit of a ‘hey why not work on this’ feeling, not a strict rule or anything.
- Level all of the crafting professions on my main account (so far I only have tailoring, enchanting, inscription, and engineering finished, and only two of those are on my main account).
- Unlock the rest of the allied races (I’m very close on this one at least).
- Level up a warrior.
- Obtain the monk class mount (for some reason I’m struggling with this, I can’t seem to get the chain for it working properly since I swapped to and from alliance/horde a few times).
- Work on getting a few pets I still don’t have (some TCG, quested, etc).
There’s more that should be on the list, but I can’t think of it right now so I’m going to move forward with what I have and perhaps add on to it as time goes on. We’ll see. Hopefully I at least get the crafting portion done, because that is something I really want out of the way. I imagine once BFA is done I will have very little desire to ever craft that stuff again (especially not having Rk3).