June 11, 2020

Relic & Data Sites

I have a helios fit for scanning down cosmic signatures, and I spent a little time yesterday flying around familiarizing myself with the method. I’m still torn about ‘The Agency’ feature, it’s great for new & returning players, but I feel like it puts too much ‘out there’. It’s also great for gankers who want to try to catch unsuspecting victims.

I have a much easier time in WH space than I do lowsec. In lowsec it feels like gates are camped, and people are always around. In Nullsec I rarely see anyone else, and if I do I have plenty of time to get away. So lately, that’s where I’ve been spending my time.

I typically scan down a wurmhole in HiSec, then see how long I have before it collapses and how much traffic it has seen. If everything is good, I’ll pop in and send out my probes, then cloak near the exit – after marking all of the locations down, because I want to be able to find my way out again if I go exploring.

Sometimes I’ll see others warp in and send out their probes too, sometimes it will be a ship returning to their POS – so far I haven’t seen an entire fleet enter (or exit). I’ll take my time and scan down all of the signatures in that wurmhole, looking for safe data & relic sites. There are a few – others are heavily guarded.

Finding sites that haven’t already been picked through can sometimes be an issue. I’d also absolutely love to try NullSec mining, but I absolutely do not feel confident in my ability to perform this as a solo/duo player – which is probably the point. Most of the Low/NullSec activities out there are for fleets of people.

I have planetary production all set up on my main now, happily (passively) crafting away, I have my industry jobs set up, I’m earning datacores with 4 R&D agents and besides faction to increase my standing with those agents so I can use higher level ones and I’m not really sure what I should be doing. I really enjoy mining, but doing it in HiSec is a bit.. boring. I have been leaning towards ice mining instead – but again those belts have been marked in The Agency, so they’re crowded.

Playing EVE? What have you been up to lately, do you have any suggestions? I noticed I haven’t finished the Sisters of Eve story ark yet, so I might work on that with my main, it’s a good chunk of faction (or so I hear).

Fly safe!