June 25, 2020

Where Does the Time Go…

The name of the blog has changed, but I’m still here, 14 years later. I can honestly say that not a single thing is the same as it was 14 years ago – except – the games I’m playing. I played EverQuest, EverQuest II, WoW, EVE, and I still bounce around those games today. Nostalgia, it’s a hell of a drug.

In 14 years I’ve moved 7 times. I’ve lived in three provinces. I left a 12 year relationship. I got married. I had two kids. I’ve taught myself to knit, crochet, spin, and play guitar. I started teaching myself coding. I started going to school for victim services coordinator. I’ve seen a pandemic, and protests. I’ve seen some good things in the world – and bad. I’ve made amazing friends, and I’ve lost some amazing friends too.

I still love video games but my time is far more precious to me than it used to be, and scarce. I thought back before kids that I “had no time for anything” – turns out I had ALL the time. I truly didn’t realize it. I still enjoy blogging as much as ever but it tends to fall by the wayside. I AM still here though.

Hopefully, for 14+ more.