July 26, 2020

A Part of Something ‘Bigger’

I’m not sure why I decided to main a priest – I think it’s because I already HAVE a main on the freedom servers, and I’m not really keen on starting from scratch in that way. A priest though. A priest would be wonderful.

The thing is, priests can’t do everything in game. They can’t improve items. Depending on which priest you choose you may not be able to mine (Vynora). That’s the path I decided to take.

Since servers came up on Friday I’ve managed to reach 19 faith. I need 30 before I can be converted into a priest. I’ve been dedicated in getting those prayer timers, and I also did another ‘new’ thing for me – I joined a large community.

Normally, I set out on my own. I typically want my own place, doing things my own way. This time since I’m focusing on a character that can’t improve items or even mine, I decided I wanted to join a larger community and really just help out and play in a different method than I normally do.

It’s going alright so far. I’m not 100% convinced this is ‘the deed’ for me, but the people are nice. I know a few of them as old timers from back when I was more involved with wurm (we’re talking 2012 here) and it’s not a perfect fit but it’s an interesting one.

Hopefully the project gets off the ground (a market) but even if it doesn’t, I’m having fun, and that’s really what matters.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!