A few friends have been playing GW2 and of course I got the itch, too. It wasn’t as simple as just jumping into game for me though, first I had to patch and with my 5mb/s internet (0.5mb/s upload) this takes some time. Especially since if anyone else is using the internet, things lag. We don’t have cable, so that means a lot of downloads are done overnight while the family is asleep.

Anyway, I patched up, and then was told about an addon called Tac0 that adds map overlays to your UI. This can help with a number of things, like quest objectives, harvest nodes, and paths to get places. Jumping puzzles, all that good stuff. I’ve never seen addons for GW2 before, let alone installed one, so I took some time to set that up. I honestly haven’t made use of it yet, but at least I have it.

Once again I was left looking at my screen thinking “so now what” – I have no idea what I was working on, what I was doing. I don’t have the faintest clue what the parts in my bags go to. It’s such a mess of confusion any time I go back to a game that I haven’t played in some time. I really wish there was a better way for games to handle this. Maybe letting me know when I first enter the game what these bits go to, what the last 5 zones I was in was, or what I completed last so I know what to work on. Some sort of direction besides just having the story quest chain to follow.

I’m sure I’ll figure it out, but it will take some time. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

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