September 2020

Sales in a Year

One of my favourite Tradeskillmaster features is just being able to look back on the past and see how I did. From the graph above you can see that I didn’t really play from October to April of 2019-2020 – that’s when we were moving to our new isolated post and doing all that stuff that went with it.

In that year though, I did make 14 million gold. almost 7 million of it was profit – and that is mostly because I spent 5 million gold on the brutosaurus auction house mount. Otherwise it would have been 2 million gold spent, and 11 million gold profit. Would I have tried to make as much gold if I wasn’t going after the mount? I’m not sure, I’ve always been interested in gold making, so I like to think I would have still put in the effort, but maybe not.

In any case, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!