In order to be successful at making gold in world of warcraft – you have to want to stick with it. If it’s not fun and it feels like endless work you’re not going to develop those good gold making habits that are required for you to develop as a goblin. Giving up is probably one of the easiest ways you can lose gold.

I don’t enjoy farming. I don’t gather herbs or mine and I don’t run dungeons for transmog to sell. I have been known to run dungeons for fun, to collect transmog for personal use, but it’s just not something I enjoy doing to make gold. I DO like making lists. I love data entry. I love tracking characters, tracking gold, tracking factions – you name it, I want to see it on a list. It makes me excited to make gold when I can see my gains every day – heck it makes me excited to make gold even when I see my loss. One of the best things about making gold is that there is no one way of doing it. There is no right way. If you enjoy harvesting for hours and supplying materials – then go do that. If you enjoy farming transmog and have an impressive collection of 1500 pieces to sell, then go do that. Do what makes you happy.

If you want to be cut throat and devour every bit of information on gold making in world of warcraft that you can – then do it. Go for it. Pick a point, and start there. Learn The Undermine Journal and how it can work in your favour. Learn TradeskillMaster. Lurk in channels. Don’t wait until you have start up capitol, don’t wait until Shadowlands, don’t wait until you’re too bored to play and give up – start when you are excited.

All it takes is that little spark of motivation. You have to keep at it. When it gets boring, change things up. Diversify. Expand. There are so many different methods out there to earn your token and I promise you that anyone out there is capable of it.

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