November 2020

Still Making Gold – Slowly

When Shadowlands released, I made a promise to myself that I was going to step back a bit and just enjoy. I wanted to level up some characters in a mostly stress-free way, and not feel a lot of pressure to make gold. Of course after focusing on making gold for so long it feels incredibly strange NOT to be focused on it – but that also doesn’t mean that all gold making completely stops.

I made 200k profit this week on top of the two tokens I purchased, so it was a very average week for me. I know other goblins are making millions and millions of gold with the expansion and the release of darkmoon cards, new legendaries, and other hidden gem markets – but I’m content to sit back and relax. I’ve got gold. I’ve got game time. Real life is hectic and the holidays are coming and I’ve got a lot of other hobbies and games to focus on too.

That also doesn’t mean I’m not still tracking my gold making efforts. I am, it’s a habit now that’s hard to give up and is just part of my daily efforts. If you’re looking to make gold I HIGHLY suggest you surround and immerse yourself in the goblin community, between the wow economy discord, reddit, and twitter, there’s an active and friendly group of people that you can learn a lot from simply by lurking. Learn your server. Learn different markets, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Latest Spinning Project

I bought a LOT of raw alpaca a few months back, and very slowly I’ve been spinning it into yarn. I still have a LOT to get through, but I’m taking my time and enjoying the spin. It’s probably one of the more enjoyable fibers I’ve worked with. On my wheel right now is fiber from a 14oz bag of mill ends I purchased. Once I have three bobbins filled I’ll ply them together. I normally do a lot of two ply yarns, but three ply is just beautiful.

Vulpera – Adorable

This is my priest rocking her BFA look – but I just absolutely love it. It’s no wonder I went and created a rogue with almost the same look (more cut throat though, I created her with some chewed up ears). Are you playing any of the allied races? Which are your favourite?

For the Horde

I finally finished my World of Warcraft mittens, and I am so pleased with how they turned out. I knit them with wool & alpaca for extra warmth, and added a liner inside. It’s my first complicated piece of stranded work, and I was so enthralled with crafting them it inspired me to create more of my own designs.