December 29, 2020

2020 Knitting Goal Summary

I didn’t have a lot of goals set up for myself in 2020 as far as knitting is concerned, but I did have a few. My main goal was to get at least 12 projects done – roughly one each month. This goal did well, I completed 19 projects in 2020. Some were small, dishcloths. Others were larger, I did two blankets early in the year.

Another goal was to master double knitting. Didn’t happen, so I’m going to move that goal to 2021, and hopefully I’ll actually accomplish it.

Overall, I’m pleased. I got some socks knit up, both hand knit and machine knit. I got some hats done, a shawl, a scarf. I did some spinning (though not as much as I would like). I have set up my knitting machine but I have yet to actually knit with it – I need some better yarn, first. My favourite knit are my ‘For the Horde’ mittens which were a lot of intense colourwork. They look incredible. I gifted a set of ‘RCMP’ wash cloths and that was fun too. For 2021 I hope to complete another 12 projects – but I also want to make progress on my scrap blanket, and on more Christmas balls. I just didn’t have the time this year, and my hands have been giving me some serious pains which make everything more difficult.