Moved: Cadence

The Harmony alliance I was a part of just wasn’t working out for me, so I traded 25 silver 1:1 over to Independence and that left me with 7s to play with. I have been working hard on that deed and I love how it’s coming along. Then I ported all of my characters to Cadence when it opened – I’m not a fan of the idea of spreading out the population further, but I do love the spot I found. I also found 3 coloured horses right away and that made me pretty happy.

I plan on making this a little country cottage deed. Wooden fences, timber house, farms, that sort of thing. Will I stay? We’ll see. Maybe I can find an alliance to join.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Newest Game Obsession – EVE Echoes

I signed up for beta but never got in – EVE Echoes released one week ago and I have played fairly steadily ever since then. It works exactly like EVE Online – except the universe is completely fresh, nothing is joined to the PC version – and oh yeah, it’s a mobile game.

Somehow, through a combination of streamlining the base game, and user interface optimization, the game that I’ve played a desktop version of for a number of years off and on has risen to the top of my ‘lets play’ list for the near future.

It’s an MMO, there’s still PvP and PvE, there’s still industry, there’s even still Planetary Interaction. Jumping gates takes less time, you don’t slow down if you’re on autopilot, and if you close the mobile game app while you warp the game continues to warp you.


I’ve started off much the same way I did in the desktop version of the game. Doing the tutorials, getting my free ships, and mining to earn some quick and easy income. I’ve got a few million ISK to my name now, and I’ve just reached Tech V (and part way through). As you level up, skills take more time. Accounts are still alpha (free account) but they’ve also added an ‘omega base’ for $6.99 CAD, on top of the ‘omega standard’ ($17.99 CAD) and then a combination deal. Each one unlocks some ships and skills you can’t use otherwise, along with a boost in training points. Not really ESSENTIAL to game play, but certainly nice to have. I figure even if I’m not playing, I’ll probably still show my support by supporting the $6.99 subscription – it’s a really comfortable price point for me.

I want to get into industry, just like I did in the desktop version of the game, but it requires some learning. There’s no R&D agents, and PI doesn’t actually require you to refine anything (that I can tell at least). Instead it seems to be a combination of harvesting from PI, loot from encounters, and mining / processing minerals.

So far I’ve been spending most of my time in lowsec, I mine in a .3 area that’s busy enough but they tend to leave me alone. I have my temporary base set up in a .9 that is 5 jumps away, but I may move later on.

Oh yes, and to use contracts you need to be an omega account, just like the desktop version of the game requires. Jita has been so incredibly congested that I have only made it to the area once before a message popped up saying that I should go around (wish I knew that before I bought something in Jita, I had intended on picking it up). There have been a few glitches here and there, but so far the launch has been incredibly smooth – and I’m having an absolute blast. I have a hard time believing that this is a mobile game – it plays incredibly well (I’m using my phone, but you can also use an ipad etc).

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Goal Achieved: Boat Cave!

One thing I wanted to do on my deed was to create a water entrance that would lead to an underground cave. Inside the cave is my mine (of course) as well as my brewery (aging wine underground is ideal). Yesterday I managed to complete this goal, after mining out over 4,000 lead ore to break a node that was in my way. I can’t wait to get the inside all neat and tidy, I plan on reinforcing the walls and then paving over them, though I’m not sure if I want to do it in marble or some other stone. We’ll have to see! In the mean time, I’m just tickled that it is complete.

Nomadic Gamer