Wurm Online – Day 6

I doesn’t LOOK like I got a lot done today, because the deed looks mostly the same – but I did make a lot of bricks, and attached a lot of bricks to a guard tower that I have over by my mine door. I don’t have a guard hired (trying to keep the cost of my deed down) so I am hoping this will help when it comes time to fight the greenish trolls and scorpions that keep invading my place.


I can’t say I’ve been playing very steadily, but I AM enjoying watching the graph go up (it will take a few dips, I need to pay for some accounts coming up). My goal is to hit gold cap on one character before Shadowlands comes out. Why? No real reason, it’s just a goal I set for myself. Will I obtain it? I’m honestly not sure. I’ve been swaying to and from gaming lately, I’ve not been feeling the greatest and I’m pretty tired some days so I end up staring into space not doing much of anything. Hopefully it’s just the heat and summer that has me down.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

FINALLY – A Warrior Joins the Ranks

Thanks to the summer sale, I now have a 120 warrior to add to my alt army. I’ve WANTED a warrior for quite some time, but I just couldn’t seem to level one up. I’m really excited now that I’ve got one. I am hoping to use her for farming dungeons, so I’m gearing up (SLOW process) getting my cloak done, and all that good stuff.

Dragonstone Shawl Update

It’s a muddled mess of silk lace and merino garter, but my shawl is coming along, and it’s starting to get a little heavy when I pick it up! I like the added weight, and I hope it hangs nice once it’s done. For now it’s hard to tell anything, lace doesn’t look nice on the needles, it needs blocking, but it is a nice relaxing knit. I still have many more rows to go, knitting this many stitches in lace is a slow process.

Wurm Online – Day 3

It was bound to happen sooner or later. The lure of Wurm is just too great, even for me. With the newly announced Steam Servers coming July 24th I had to jump in and check on my old characters. Once I did that, I of course had to get myself premium, and what good is premium if you don’t have a deed…. The rest is history.

Nomadic Gamer