I’ve been playing FFXIV off and on for years now, but I never really stay with it for whatever reason. I wander back to ABC game and it gets put on the back burner – not this time. This time, I’m dedicating myself to actually making some progress in the game, finishing the MSQ, leveling jobs. First one I completed was the dancer job, woot!
Dancer is an odd bird. It’s a mixture of ranged (single target attacks) and close range (AoE attacks) dance moves that damage enemies. Instead of moving in and out of range, I tend to stay close to the mobs. It’s a class that LOOKS pretty, but I can’t say I particularly enjoy playing them all that much. We’re more of a hybrid utility / dps class than powerful dps, though don’t get me wrong, I AM happy that I finally leveled up.
Next? I’m not sure. I am not interested in playing the gunslinger I have at 60, but I do have a 52 warrior. I’ve got a 60 red mage, 55 scholar, and 34 astrologer. I was thinking maybe bard? Maybe just keep going on with the warrior. We’ll just have to see! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.
Gratz on your 1st 80!
Dancer was my 1st to 80 also, but I had everything to 70 before the Dancer was intro’d, so I got to have the fun of unlocking it, leveling it from 60 to 70, and THEN starting work on Shadowbringers expansion. Only took a few days to do the catch-up, though.
I like the class well enough, but honestly prefer the Bard anymore. Not that I’ve played FFXIV in several months now. I should probably jump back in here at some point prior to the next expansion….