February 12, 2021

TAAT Sock Club Socks..

One of my goals for 2021 was to learn how to knit socks two at a time. There’s a few reasons for this, but for me personally it’s because Second Sock Syndrome is a real thing. My husband asked me if knitting two socks at the same time would be any faster than knitting one – and the truth is, no. It’s not faster. In fact it might even be slower because of all the adjusting I have to do. That doesn’t mean that TAAT socks don’t benefit me though. See, when I complete a project, it gives me an adrenaline rush. I feel good. I feel happy. The problem is in my case that’s typically only ONE sock, and I still have an entire other sock to knit. My mind, doesn’t want to. It wants to bask in the euphoric feeling I got when I finished the first one. So I procrastinate starting that second sock. Sometimes I even wait a few months before casting the second one on. The one sock I’ve completed is left lonely wondering if they’ll ever have a partner. One sock I knit doesn’t even have a partner. Casting on two socks at the same time means it’s one project even though it’s two items. Until one is done, none is done, and when one is done they will both be done. A mental game against myself.

So no, knitting TAAT is not really faster – except that it is. It’s also a great way to keep even tension and to remember the pattern and all that good stuff. I’m knitting my socks using The Blue Brick’s sock club yarn which is starting to grow on me. It’s a gradient, so we’ll see how it goes once the colours start changing. I don’t have a pattern and I’m just winging it. I cast on 32 stitches using Judy’s Magic Loop (16 per ‘side’) and then increased every 2nd row until I reached 72. I’m using a 4 row repeat pattern for the sock itself, the bottom is just plain knit. I am thinking I’ll do a fish lip heel, but we’ll see when I get there. If it all works out, I’ll post the pattern up later.