February 2021

Ding – 80 Dancer!

I’ve been playing FFXIV off and on for years now, but I never really stay with it for whatever reason. I wander back to ABC game and it gets put on the back burner – not this time. This time, I’m dedicating myself to actually making some progress in the game, finishing the MSQ, leveling jobs. First one I completed was the dancer job, woot!

Dancer is an odd bird. It’s a mixture of ranged (single target attacks) and close range (AoE attacks) dance moves that damage enemies. Instead of moving in and out of range, I tend to stay close to the mobs. It’s a class that LOOKS pretty, but I can’t say I particularly enjoy playing them all that much. We’re more of a hybrid utility / dps class than powerful dps, though don’t get me wrong, I AM happy that I finally leveled up.

Next? I’m not sure. I am not interested in playing the gunslinger I have at 60, but I do have a 52 warrior. I’ve got a 60 red mage, 55 scholar, and 34 astrologer. I was thinking maybe bard? Maybe just keep going on with the warrior. We’ll just have to see! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Who Needs Pants..

One of the things I love about FFXIV is that I don’t actually need to have an entire stable of characters. In fact, it’s one of the few games I play that I DON’T have any alts – one character can do it all. If I get the desire to change race / sex I can do that through some fantasia potions, so it’s not a big deal. You switch jobs (classes) by changing your weapon, and you can unlock as many (or as few) as you’d like.

My dancer finally reached level 80! I’m so happy. I now have a level 80 dancer, 80 goldsmith, 80 mining, 80 fishing. It’s not a lot compared to what is available, but it is a great start.

Of course the second I turned 80, I wanted to decide who to level up next. I don’t have a lot of characters unlocked, and while my husband has a few 70s and a handful of 60s and 50s, I only had the dancer. I do have a 50 warrior, but I wasn’t convinced it was the tank I wanted to play full time. Ideally I’d like an 80 tank, dps, and healer. I have a 55 scholar as well.

I decided I wanted to try a paladin, which starts off as a gladiator. Unfortunately as you can see by the screenshot above, my gladiator at level 5 did not own any pants. I figure she’s preparing for 6.0 when they remove the belt slot. How else are her pants supposed to stay up?!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Shawl Progress

I am now 20% into my shawl ‘Stillness’ – and the gradient has just started changing colours, which I can’t wait to see. I was hoping to get 50% of the shawl done for the month of February, but I think that might have been a bit ambitious. We’ll see. For now, it’s just a nice simple knit with enough interest to keep me going. It’s also incredibly difficult to photograph properly. Such is the way of shawl!

I AM an Adorable Sapling

In the evenings, I’ve been playing FFXIV with my husband – and my dancer reached 79 last night and part way into it! This will be my very first combat character to 80. While I know I still have quite a bit to go as far as story is concerned, it is a very nice feeling to at least have someone at level cap. I’m trying to work out who I will level up next, I have both a tank and a healer class ‘on the go’ and I know that as time goes on, I’ll probably only add to that roster. I’m really enjoying the game quite a bit now that I have some free time in the evenings. The game is too difficult to play when I need to step in and out constantly during the day (thanks to my minions) but it’s been perfect to wind down with once they’re both asleep.

I also reached 79 in goldsmithing last night. I’m hoping to do some harvesting today and maybe I can reach 80 in that craft, too. I don’t have a lot of gil to my name, I’ve been trying to focus on leveling up more than actually creating things to sell. That should hopefully change over time, but we’ll have to see. One of my long term goals is still to be able to find and afford a fancy home. For now, my apartment suits me.

Tonight there is a big showcase happening that I’m very excited about. I can’t wait to see what’s coming next.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Storage – Completed!

Another building completed on my deed – this time the storage building. It used a LOT of timber framed walls, which are annoying to make. Each wall requires 5 beams, 10 grass, and 20 clay. The overall effect is lovely (I know, I still have a bridge to complete in the front, I took the screenshot before I finished it!) and then adding a thatch roof just completed the overall look.

With the stables, the smithy, and storage complete, I think it might almost be time to work on the main building. It’s created out of marble, and a few stories high, so I’ve been neglecting working on it aside from the main floor. I did buy a bunch of marble bricks from Takah to help the process slightly, but I need to create a LOT of mortar. Each wall requires 20 bricks and 20 mortar. With 99 masonry it’s not as though creating mortar is difficult by any means, it’s just also not fun.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer