March 2021

Stillness Shawl – Completed

I am finally done my Stillness shawl (pattern is from Ravelry) after having started it February 1st. I am so proud of myself for knitting such a large project and actually sticking with it. What I did to help myself along was to actually print out the pattern and assign rows to specific days as goals. This way I wasn’t overwhelmed with a whole lot of knitting, and if I wanted to work ahead I could. Some days I didn’t knit at all, and instead I knit twice as much on other days. It was the perfect way to keep me in line.

There are mistakes, but I still love every inch. I’m also ready for a new less time intensive project next. I have a pair of socks to finish off, and then we’ll see what is next.

(Yet Another) Hobby

I have always been fascinated with miniatures. Everything from those travel sized shampoo bottles, to miniature toys, and food. I recently was gifted some polymer clay and tools – so I decided to try my hand at making miniature bread! It’s air dry clay, with chalk pastels for the colour. There are numerous ways of achieving the texture and colour of bread, you can wait until the piece dries, or in my case, you can apply the pigment right to the fresh clay. Unfortunately if you do it that way you lose a little of the detail because of the brush. Still, for my very first attempt, I’m quite excited!

I also bought two smaller shadow boxes and I have plans of creating some scenes inside of them. One will be quails (naturally) since they’re amazing, and the second one I think I’m going to turn into some sort of book nook. I might just turn it into a yarn / knitting / spinning scene instead though. I haven’t decided.

Inflation? Just a Little..

The last time I played EverQuest 2, the level cap was 100. Now it’s 120. The year was 2017 and the items posted above I had for sale for … significantly less. Back then, they didn’t sell. Fast forward almost 4 years to the day since I played (I was playing in May of 2017) and they’ve sold for significantly more than I priced them for in 2017, but for significantly less than what market value these days is, thanks to – you guessed it – inflation.

Honestly, I took a look at 120 master spells and they’re selling for over a MILLION plat minimum. I think the cheapest I saw was 1.2 million and they just went up from there. The krono (item you purchase for a single month of game time) is at over 11 million plat each now.

It’s hard for me to fathom that sort of gold.

Stillness Shawl – 95%

This shawl is gigantic. I have 4 more rows to go and then that’s it, it will be completed (according to the pattern, I haven’t decided yet if I’ll do extra rows). My hands have been pretty sore lately and I’ve dropped some stitches due to not being able to manipulate the yarn properly (just health downsides) but I’m confident that I am in the home stretch – after two months of working on this project every single day.

I’m excited to see it blocked.

Quail Crag

I’ve had a really difficult time deciding where I wanted my liberty mountain deed to be. I have no real access to any significant ore, so I wanted a place that would be able to accommodate that. Normally I would purchase the rods that let you transform rock to ore of your choice – but that’s just not feasible unless donations come back. Instead I found this abandoned mountain deed with three remaining buildings. One of them housed a magic chest filled with goodies. I deeded the field portion, and as houses decay I’ll push the deed towards the caves. Hopefully I get a sizeable amount of rock to work my way through over time. Eventually, it will become a retreat for my priest characters.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!