I didn’t have a lot of gaming goals this time around, but that is probably a good thing because I didn’t even keep up with the ones I had.


  • Did not clear the plot of land I own on Novus – instead I traded this to Moumix, and started Quail Plaza on my main deed on Liberty.
  • I also did not play any Littlewood – though I did pick it up for Switch when it released.


  • Continue to play Divinity Original Sin 2 with the husband. This has been a great evening activity for us, we’ve made it out of Fort Joy, and discovered all sorts of juicy details. I’m having a blast.

April Goals:

  • Finish at least four floors to one building at Quail Plaza. There are three buildings total, I’ll be happy as long as SOME progress is being made.
  • Reach 80 in another class in FFXIV. Whether it’s crafting or adventuring, I want to see some progress!
  • Play an older game from my steam library and try to complete it (hah).
  • Continue past the next chapter in Divinity. I’d love to see me and my husband ‘complete’ this game together.

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