I have one job at 80 in FFXIV – and it’s the dancer. Unfortunately, I don’t really ENJOY this class at 80 as much as I thought I would, so I’ve been looking to level up a few other jobs so that I have more options. One that I wanted to try was Archer/Bard. I managed to inch my way to 30, do the class quest to unlock bard, and then I paid for a boost to 70. Zero regrets, this is a fun ranged DPS class that I’m enjoying a great deal.

I’m also leveling up a warrior and an astrologist for a tank / healer option. I’d like to get caught up in the current story before 5.5 releases, but I’m pretty sure that won’t be happening, there’s just so much content (NOT a bad thing by any means, I love that there’s so much for me to do).

I’d also like to reach 80 in a few more crafts, and finish off botany which is my final harvest job that needs 80 yet (I think I’m at 75). My husband is no longer playing with me and that has put a bit of a damper on things, plus my FC fell apart so I have no ‘home’ but I’m still chugging along.

One thought on “FFXIV Adventures”
  1. I found the same thing — dancer was my 1st job to 80 also, but I really just wasn’t quite feeling it, yet Bard has really captured my attention this go-round.

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