Once upon a time (we’re talking high school) I used to take art in school – and I loved it. I thought I was OK at it, and I practiced a lot. I actually put together a portfolio and applied to Ottawa University for a Bachelor of Arts – and got in. Unfortunately funding was a huge issue, I didn’t qualify for anything and my parents wouldn’t help, so.. that fell through. I’ve never been to university. The relationship I was in was a bit toxic (though I didn’t realize that at the time) and I put away my art, and stopped doing it all together. I wasn’t encouraged, so I didn’t bother.
I’m a firm believer that it’s never too late. It’s never too late to pick up a new hobby, to refresh an old one, to be learning, expanding, to be involved in whatever your heart desires. It takes time, patience, practice, and nothing is instant – but I believe goals we set for ourselves are obtainable. You have to work at it.
I recently started getting back to my art, slowly. Mostly digital because that’s what is easiest for me with my MS. Sometimes holding a pencil hurts, putting pressure of pencil on paper hurts. I want to get better, I want to do better and I want to improve. I’ve started a 365 project, and this year I’ve already done 34 works of art. That’s 34 more pieces than I did last year, when I did zero. I’m proud. They’re not award winning pieces, but they’ve been fun, and I’ve been learning – which is most important to me. Seeing where I am now and where I’ll be at 5 years from now is something I’m very much interested in – even at the age of 40.
It’s never too late.