January 3, 2022

2021 DailyCreative in Review

After taking a few days to think about it, I finally picked a new project to start for 2022. This time around I’m using up some handspun to create a scarf. I plan on using a few different skeins I have, and creating a slight fade between the two of them that I hope works out. I don’t have enough of any handspun to knit an entire scarf, but I do have three skeins that will work very well together (or so I hope). The pattern looks lovely, and I’m already enjoying the progress.

2021 wasn’t as knit heavy as I would have liked, but I did get three major projects done. I finished off my Silver Bell Sweater, I knit an amazing shawl, and I completed my Cable Crush Hoodie (that I love on so many levels). I also did a handful of smaller projects like socks, christmas balls, and dish cloths. I did not learn any new techniques, and I didn’t get to do as much sock knitting as I would have liked. I did get a bit of spinning done, but again not as much as I wanted. Being evacuated in the summer ate up a chunk of time, as did the issues with my hands I continue to have. Some days as much as I’d LIKE to knit, I just can’t. I’m still coming to terms with that even though it’s difficult.

In 2021 I had a loose goal of knitting 12 projects, one for each month – and I completed this. I’m not sure if I want to have the same goal in 2022, or if I just want to knit and see where it takes me. I might even do a bit of crochet. I do hope I get a lot of spinning done, I have so much amazing fiber just sitting there, it deserves to get showcased.

In non fiber crafts, I want to keep drawing. I might do more with miniatures, but I think my days of cross stitching are pretty limited. My eyes (and hands) just can’t seem to keep up. It’s a shame because I have a LOT of supplies, but for now I’m not going to pressure myself. I would like to continue sewing, but again I’m not really sure where to go with that. I had thought quilting would be neat, but it’s also complicated, and seems expensive. I guess we’ll just have to see!