Factorio (Or Maybe Dyson Sphere Program)

I recently picked up a few games from steam that I’ve had on my radar for a while. One was No Place Like Home (which I refunded, because as much as I wanted to love this game, the controls were just so bad), Keplerth, and Factorio. I’ve watched others playing Factorio for some time, but I stayed away from it myself, thinking it would be too complicated. The thing is I do enjoy those types of games (I also feel like my game library is already quite large) so I knew sooner or later I was going to pick it up. Then someone commented, and mentioned Dyson Sphere Program. This game is one I haven’t really looked at, but it’s very similar to Factorio. Now I sort of want that one too. There’s just so many games, and not enough time.
I’ve been playing through the tutorial of Factorio, and one thing I don’t like is the bad guys that keep putting pressure on you (and growing in strength) as you’re trying to get things done. Of course eventually you get better guns and automate some processes to keep things safe, but that extra layer of stress is one I could do without. I know there’s a creative mode, but I really wanted to finish making my way through the tutorial first before branching off.
Have you given either of these games a look? What are your thoughts? Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!